Joseph Mumo

Frontend Developer

"From wireframes to pixels"


"Problem-solver with a passion for efficient code."


I’m a creative in Tech industry. I love programming and presenting thoughts and ideas into beautiful works of art. I’m quietly confident, naturally curious and perpetually working on improving my skills one at a time. I like handling difficult challenges especially those that trigger critical thinking and problem solving. I’m quite passionate about software development. My greatest strength is the zeal and the willingness to keep learning and improving my current skills. I am a detail-oriented individual who combines my passion for design and coding to craft engaging and user-friendly web experiences. I excel in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, utilizing modern frameworks and libraries like React to build responsive and interactive interfaces. With a keen eye for aesthetics and user experience, I strive to deliver visually appealing designs that seamlessly blend functionality and usability. Constantly staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices, I am committed to producing clean, efficient, and scalable code that enhances the overall user journey and achieves client objectives.


Technical Skills

  • HTML5/CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • ReactJs
  • JQuery
  • TailwindCSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Typescript
  • RESTful APIs and AJAX
  • C programming
  • Python

Design & Development

  • Cross-Browser-Compatibility
  • Responsive Web Design
  • UI and UX Design principles
  • Wireframing and prototyping tools (Figma)
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Wireframing and prototyping tools
  • Performance optimization techniques
  • Version control systems (Git)
  • Package Managers (npm)
  • Responsive Design Framework (MUI)
  • Basic Design skills (Figma & Adobe AI)
  • GitHub

Development Tools & Practices

  • Frontend Build Tool (Webpack & Babel)
  • Package Manager (npm)
  • CSS Preprocessors (SASS)
  • Task Runners (npm scripts)
  • Testing Framework(jest)
  • Browser Developer Tools
  • Browser compatibility testing
  • Continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD)
  • Knowledge of SEO best practices
  • Web Performance(optimization techniques)


"Don't be busy, be productive."


Graphic Design

I offer comprehensive graphic design services, leveraging creative expertise to produce visually compelling designs tailored to your brand identity, effectively communicating messages and capturing attention across various mediums.



I specialize in delivering exceptional UI/UX design services, creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces that enhance usability, optimize interactions and elevate overall user experiences.


Web Design

I provide web design services, crafting visually appealing and functional websites tailored to your needs. From layout and navigation to aesthetics and user experience, I create digital spaces that captivate and engage your audience.


Web Development

I provide comprehensive web development services, crafting dynamic and visually appealing websites that are responsive, user-friendly and optimized for seamless performance across various devices and platforms.


"If you do it right, it will last forever."


Netflix Clone

A Netflix clone portfolio project using ReactJS, Tailwind CSS, Firebase Auth, and Firestore. It replicates Netflix's UI, features user authentication, stores data on Firestore, and utilizes OMDB API endpoints for content.


GitHub Search

This React project utilizes the GitHub API to fetch user data and dynamically displays it on the user interface, providing an interactive and seamless experience for accessing and viewing GitHub profiles.


React Dashboard

The React dummy dashboard seamlessly combines Tremor components and Tailwind CSS for a sleek, responsive interface. It offers intuitive data visualization and seamless user interaction.

Blate Spa Booking site

Blate Barbershop's React landing page, adorned with sleek TailwindCSS styles, welcomes with a modern aesthetic. Seamlessly book appointments, explore services, and experience the ultimate grooming destination's urban charm.

Yummy Restaurant Site

Yummy restaurant site, powered by React and Context API, employs JSX, React Router, Carousel, and Icons. It enables seamless table booking, dynamic menu display (breakfast, lunch, dinner & starters), with local storage support. Enhanced with Adobe Illustrator images for unique customization.

Tubuy Ecommerce

This is a React Ecommerce site that utilizes Fakestore API to fetch data that is then mapped to the user interface. Context API to provide state and functions to specific components. A functional cart and a secure paypal payment gateway.


"Unleashing innovation Together!"


As a frontend developer experienced in JavaScript and React, I am enthusiastically open to collaborating on exciting projects. With a deep understanding of JavaScript's core concepts and extensive knowledge of React, I bring a unique perspective to the table. I thrive on teamwork and actively engage in collaborative environments, where I can leverage my skills to contribute to the success of the project. Whether it's developing interactive user interfaces, implementing complex functionality, or optimizing performance, I am always ready to tackle new challenges and find innovative solutions. With a focus on clean code and best practices, I ensure that my contributions align with the project's goals and enhance the overall user experience. Together, we can create exceptional web applications that leave a lasting impact on users.


"Hey there, find me here!."